Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm Still Alive!

So yea, its been a long time since I've last written, and even longer since I've actually posted something on my blog. Because of that I am sorry, and feel obligated to fill you guys in on everything going on in my life including life, school, love, family and everything including A-Z. Since I've last posted my life has been pretty good. A GIANT improvement, and there hasn't been too much to really complain about.  I can admit I have dropped the ball on the whole college thing. I had my horse blinders on to this one school and went balls to the wall and truly thought it was the best school for me. Come to find out, it really wasn't the best route for me and decided to not go. I got accepted and everything! The main reason I backed out was because I wouldn't graduate with a degree or anything, and god forbid I don't make it as an air traffic controller, then I have something to fall back on. Now, I am looking at Community College of Beaver County with a degree in Air Traffic Management with a focus on Terminal ATC. I really need to get back on course with all of this but it's rather difficult because I need $500 for the application fee and then the extra money to travel up to Pittsburgh.  Me and my parents intend to visit in late April during my Spring Break! So that's a little time away and I'm more than confident that I can save the money. But on a closer level, high school is going well. Well, minus the incredible amount of douchebags that go to my school. But, I get out of school at noon everyday so I can't really complain. I make pretty good grades because of it...2 A's and 1 B and my G.P.A. is boosting because of it.  Okay, before I start tooting my horn you have to understand the people at my school. They try to make life AS DIFFICULT AS POSSIBLE. I think they get a sexual high off of talking shit and making school suck even more than it does. I'm lucky that it normally doesn't get to me. I have done ALOT better this year than previous years keeping my anger in check. I'm not sure why but it doesn't get under my skin as much, but whatever happened (probably grew the fuck up) I'm very glad it happened! But, it may be due to the fact that in a few months I'll be done! Then I can move and choose who I have to see on a daily basis, and because I am SO ready to get out of drama filled high will be AMAZING! What some people don't see is that when you grow up, you're supposed to mature. Sadly, not many of the kids I go to school with have learned this yet. For instance, this happened a few days ago which kind of made me laugh. This kid ATTEMPTED to make fun of me and point out my successes and label themselves (in my book) as failures! So...I got into a conversation with this hoodlum in my class that had the NERVE to tell me (oh wait, it gets good) that MY life sucked because I don't drink, I don't smoke, and I sure as hell don't do drugs. Oh yea, that's TOTAL suckage right there. I am not afraid what so ever to admit that I don't do drugs, or drink, or smoke! I've told MANY people that I don't do that, and if you don't like the fact that I don't oh fucking well. Turn your back and move on! *waves* But what I do find sad is the fact that if you don't fit in with people's criminalistic (is that a word?) behaviors then you get tossed out like the trash! I'm lucky that I grew up with a good family, good parents, and was taught good things. My parents ALWAYS tell me how blessed they are that I was a good kid and still am to this day.  I'd rather be different and be free then conform and be in jail. On a more creepy/funny/ew story that I'll NEVER forget this guy TOTALLY freaked me out.  First off his name was Mason, and he really liked me. Not anymore, haha. Well here goes the story.  He invited me over Wednesday (Feb 23) after school. Me, not having anything better to do I went. UGH! Longest drive ever!!! It was legit an hour drive away. So, I get there and since he wasn't supposed to have people over and his grandma was coming over he put me in his room and shut the door, and left.  Right then, I wanted to get up and leave! But since I'm nice and the drive was the longest I've done to see one person, I stayed.  So about 5 or so minutes later he comes back and lays down on his bed. Which by the way is about the size of an infants crib. But, at this time I'm just awkwardly sitting on the edge of the bed not talking but just sitting there. Why? Because his room was an atrocity. There were food plates, cups, soda cans, and his bed was so messy. Don't forget the Hollister and Abercrombie bags cut up with the guys bodies hanging on his walls. TACKY!  OMG, I'm just thinking of this but I should report him to HGTV's worst room in America. That'd be funny. I digress so much in this! ADD much? Back on track now...once he laid down on his bed he begged me to lay down with him and cuddle. For those of you that don't know what cuddle means in glad! By this time, he had asked me like 6730637 times to lay back, and I get annoyed very easily. So I REALLY just wanted him to SHUT UP so I laid back. UH! Bad move! He put his arm around me and I instantly felt grossed out.  He then put his leg over mine and then I felt REALLY trapped. I'm highly claustrophobic  and I literally almost freaked out.  Not including the fact that some guy I was meeting for the first time was trying to get into my pants. No hun, I'm a classy bitch! NOT happening! So I just left. He went out of the room, and you bet I seized that opportunity to get the fuck up out of there. He left, and I started putting my shoes on.  He came back right in the middle of me tying my shoes and I was like "fuck" inside my head of course (remember...classy bitch) and yea.  I almost forgot to tell y'all about my highly unbelievable excuse to leave.  Since I had to babysit my little cousins that I had to babysit that sit (he knew that I had to) I made up some excuse saying I had to pick them up from school.  I know for A FACT that he didn't believe it, and honestly didn't and still don't care.  I just wanted to leave. It's a definite moment in life that you wish you could take back! But no, that would be too easy, and you wouldn't be amused by my misery if I could just take it back. But yea, bringing this back up brings back the gross feeling I had back then SO! moving on. Well, I'm not really sure what else to talk about and since its almost 2am I feel like I should end this! I am going to make a conscience effort to update this more often. I PROMISE! Follow me, so you'll know when I post more stuff! I hope I didn't waste too much of y'alls time! I'm sure atleast one of you guys enjoyed it. I mean, c'mon who doesn't like a little insight of the life of someone else!

Bye Bye for now!

- Matthew Montgomery <3