Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Never Once in My Life

have I seen such a magnificent child.
Hair flowing with the air.
Skin as beautiful as a late noon sunset.
Georgeous eyes that appear of pure greatness.
Such a child deserves more honor than to be
just acknowleged.
Most people don't view the same man I treuly believe
is magnificent from head to toe.
People have no idea that I truely feel this way.
If they knew they would only judge
so its better to just sit and fake.
If the world wasn't such a cruel place
we could be in a happy place.
Since we must sit and fake all of this make no sense.
If I told you about the real me you would
finally see the "REAL" me.
Judge me if you wish for I shall not care.
I know that I love my life,
love my love,
and don't care what the world thinks.
Haters are to hate and feast on the problems
of the world.
Which the good hearted and loving men
of the world love and laugh.

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