Thursday, March 11, 2010

The past couple of days have been rough. All the stuff that's going that most people don't know about is really started to take its toll on me. There are only a few people in my life that actually understand my life. Its a lot of drama and stuff that just keeps me down. Like I said in my last blog the things in my life are these "fake loves". I told myself to not to let them get to me but my FOOLISH brain let's them do it! It happened and then my heart was broken. I got really really sad and started to hate this person! I can't belie that I even thought I could hate them. I have fallen head over heels for one of these fake loves. What is going wrong that makes me do this?? I never know when its real or when its fake. I only wish that I could take things slow. But its almost impossible for me, I wish there was like this implanted reminder to take it slow, because I honestly want to but just simply forget! I just have the WANT that is coming up as a NEED to have love. I have no clue why I want this but its just something that I dream about and want this. I just only hope that I don't get played and became one of those that get broken hearted and torn into a million pieces!

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